The Tubądzin Group invited their designers to a discussion. The meeting, which enticed the trends for 2022 took place in the Praga district in Warsaw. Dorota Koziara – world famous designer, Maciej Zień – world class fashion designer, Anna Skonka-Wojtysiak – Manager of Design in the Tubądzin Group, and Tomasz Smus – Tubądzin Monolith architect all presented their views on the most important interior design trends. Special guest of the meeting was world renowned painter and sculpture Wojciech Siudmak.
We present you with the summary of this meeting, prepared for the Tubądzin Design Community by our Group architect Tomasz Smus.
In 2022 the leading trends will be: diversity, luxurious nature, return to colours – brighter, less pastels. Colours that add character to the interior. Sometimes as an accent – decoration, sometimes as a dominating element of the interior.
In 2022 it will become important to bring art to the interior. Finally, we have grown to understand art with a capitol A. Imitations, fakes and inspirations will be forgotten. We will realize, that a good product, well designed has its price and it’s worth spending for.
Sometimes it will be worth making changes in favor of a less recognized, less mass product at the cost of a well-known brand. It will not only underline the interior, it will also show, that one is an aware user, who recognizes art. Pieces of art, both the known and less known, will become accents in the composition of spaces. It’s worth investing in them, not just today, but baring the future in mind.
Colour is gaining recognition.
Colour is gaining recognition. Our way of expressing ourself is coming more prominent. This increases the interest in more powerful colours, also regarding the stone inspired designs, which are still going strong. Technological advancements allow us to offer a huge range of colours, which is the answer to the strong and important trend of adjusting the interior to our style.
We can enjoy a true explosion of colours and limitless design. Personalizing the interior is no longer based on exchanging decorations, because ceramics themselves contain strong decorative elements.
A lasting trend, due to versatility and safeness are the colours of nature, earth and sky. As one of the outstanding colours green is mentioned too – a colour associated with peace and quiet, hope and optimism. We also still appreciate pastel shades (especially the less decided. More and more people have the courage to express themselves through colour.
These are not just trends for 2022, but rather long-term tendencies. Summarizing – diversity, luxurious nature and strong entry of art into interiors.
The Tubądzin Group invited designers who work for the Group to debate.
Their predictions concerning the most important interior design trends were presented by:
- Tomasz Smus, architect of the MONOLITH brand,
- Anna Skonka-Wojtysiak, who heads the Design Department at the Tubądzin Group,
- Dorota Koziara, a world-famous designer, who created for Tubądzin the Cielo e Terra collection, which has won numerous awards and has been inspired by the colors of the Polish landscape,
- Maciej Zień –an outstanding Polish fashion and interior designer, who has cooperated with the company for almost 10 years, creating the renowned Tubądzin Kreacja Maciej Zień brand,
- The special guest of the event was Wojciech Siudmak, an internationally acclaimed painter and sculptor, representative of fantastic realism, who has been living and working in Paris for years.
Tomasz Smus | Poland, architect of Tubądzin Group
Born in 1973, he studied architecture at the University of Technology in Łódź.For 12 years he has been associated with Ceramika Tubądzin, for 3 years as Brand Architect. Co-author of numerous collections of ceramic tiles, co-developer of Tubądzin Design Days. For several years he has been appearing in interior design programmes (Dekoratornia, Dekorady, Szybkie Metamorfozy).
Designer of large and small interiors, amateur photographer. Co-author of interior design catalogs. Professionally notorious for looking for new challenges and privately an uncompromising hedonist, grasping at only good emotions with passion. Wife, son, no animals temporarily.