Establishing cooperation between representatives of culture, architecture and business to enable the implementation of projects that are part of the heritage of future generations – this is the main topic of the debate starting the strategic workshop for architects organised by the Tubądzin Group and the Grand Theatre – National Opera in Warsaw.
photo: Filip Dowjat
The first of a series of meetings-conference took place on 18/05/2022. The location of the meeting was not chosen by accident. The Tubądzin Group has been cooperating with the National Opera at the Grand Theatre since 2021. The cooperation was inaugurated with the opera “Cardillac” premiere, directed by Mariusz Treliński. The meeting took place in the Reduta Rooms. These are former museum rooms, which are part of the heritage of this building. They are decorated by Antonio Corazzi. In such a unique interior, the participants discussed, among other things, the foundations of the three branches and how the heritage of future generations can be designed today.
photo: Filip Dowjat
The synergy between the worlds of culture, architecture and business was discussed by Małgorzata Szabłowska, TWON Technical Director, Amadeusz Kowalski, Vice-President of the Management Board of the Tubądzin Group, Grzegorz Piątek, architect, critic and architectural historian, and Ewa Kryszkiewicz, Manager of the Development and Cooperation with Architects Department at Tubądzin Group. Strategic workshops were then held.
– Cooperation with architects is demanding but highly creative and inspiring. The coexistence of business, art and culture is one of the most important directions of development of our company. The mission of the Tubądzin Group is not only to create a beautiful but also a safe and functional space. We want projects created in cooperation with us to be valuable and timeless – said Amadeusz Kowalski, Vice President of the Management Board of the Tubądzin Group.
photo: Filip Dowjat
– The meeting was attended by outstanding representatives of the world of architecture, culture and business. The meeting was attended by prominent representatives of architecture, culture and business. Such a selection of guests provided us with a broad perspective. At the same time, the experts’ knowledge and experience made it possible to develop unique material which we will be publishing in the future. Explains Ewa Kryszkiewicz, the development and cooperation department manager with architects at Tubądzin Group.
photo: Filip Dowjat
Each expert team has put enormous potential into developing proposed scenarios of activities for the near future. It turns out that it is possible and necessary to talk, listen carefully and respectfully, and understand people’s needs. And so it was and will be, concerning the mission of building a better tomorrow in the Architecture, Business and Culture relationships. Huge thanks to our guests and the team for the strength of conviction about the possibility of building vital common areas of Culture – Architecture and Business.