Panel of discussion
"Detail, color."
A special message for architects from Allan Starski and Waldemar Dąbrowski”
On March 9, 2023, the Tubądzin Design Awards Gala opened with an extremely important panel of discussions dedicated to architects.
The important Guests of this panel were Allan Starski, the world-famous Oscar-winning set designer Allan Starski and the director of the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera in Warsaw – Waldemar Dąbrowski.
Leading the discussion were Amadeusz Kowalski v-ce president of Tubądzin Group and Ewa Kryszkiewicz manager of development and cooperation with architects at Tubądzin Group.
The discussion took place in the spaces of the Teatr Wielki – National Opera in Warsaw.
The topics addressed during the panel were intended to answer several questions:
- What is missing from the current approach to creating a culture of space in architecture
- What is the foundation of good actions of architecture and culture?
- What direction is worth pursuing regardless of the difficulties that arise?
- What should design architects pay special attention to when approaching the topic of space design and what should they avoid?
- What could be the key message for architects?
The discussion moved in the increasingly strong direction of sharing the experiences that our guests, extraordinary Personalities, have gained in the course of developing their own careers.
In the course of the conversation, there were defining difficulties, an appeal not to succumb to common trends and practices, and a search for one’s own direction.
“The definition of talent is difficult and complicated, I have met many talented people but not all of them have had an impact. Talent is also a certain experience… the most important thing, however, is to be well educated in what you do…”
“What I am most passionate about so far is color, the interplay of colors, the history of color, how color affects people and space…
This is my appeal to architects, don’t push color to the end, it complements the solid and the space, fight for the detail!”
Allan Starski
“The most important emanation of culture is man, his aspirations, abilities and their fulfillment…
On who a person is born does not depend, because he is born with a white card, what is important is what will later be written on this card… this is influenced by…
In the surrounding world, where the only lasting value is change, it is important to refer to the roots, to the sources of character formation…”
Waldemar Dąbrowski
We invite you to listen to and watch the entire panel: “Culture of surroundings, a message for architects: Allan Starski and Waldemar Dąbrowski”.