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This is the last chance to participate in the competition. Submit your project to the 3rd stage. We are waiting for your work until November 31st 2022.

The total value of the prizes in the competition is 78 000 euros.

You can win: financial and material prizes, software for professional Graphisoft / WSC Sp. z o.o and Cad Projekt K&A, promotion of the winners and publications as well as Grand PRIX awards in the following categories:

Unlimited Architecture – TOKYO + 2,500 euros

Everyday – MILAN + 1500 euro

Young Power – PARIS – internship at an international architectural office

CultureFORM (special category) – WARSAW – National Opera – artistic project team

The winners of the competition and GRAND PRIX will be announced during the international Gala at the beginning of 2023.

Register and SUBMIT your project #life #culture #human today!

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