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One of the special awards for students during the first edition of the were workshops at Villa International Co. in Budapest. The winner was Agata Legawiec.

Laureate of the special prize – Agata Legawic – spent in Budapest whole July and August 2017. Under the watchful eye of Peter Bokor and his team, she polished her skills. That’s how she recall this time:

Participation in allowed me to get a double reward – both the workshops in a valued office and getting to know such a beautiful city as Budapest. In the studio, I was responsible for the project of adaptation of the courtyard in the city center to a multifunctional recreation space for residents, having the character of an internal garden. At Villa International Co., I had the opportunity to work with extremely friendly people. I recommend everyone to participate in this type of contests that allows you to develop your skills.

Find out how she spent her stay and check why it is worth participating in TDA!

Appreciating the commitment and skills of students, in the second, ongoing edition, a category dedicated to this group was created – #Young Power – in which one can submit conceptual projects. In this category there are no restrictions in the type of space being designed. The condition are that Tubądzin tiles should represent 100% of all tiles used in the project and Vibia products (lighting) should be included in the project. The materials are available in the DOWNLOAD section.

First stage of the contest lasts till 31 2018.

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