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In today’s dynamic world, commercial interior has become a key element in attracting customers and creating unique experiences. It’s not just about decoration – it’s a philosophy that combines functionality with aesthetics. Three distinct examples from the Tubądzin Design Awards competition showcase that commercial is unlimited in its creativity and flexibility.

Authors of project: Wiktor Szwejczewski, Zuzanna Wątróbska, Poland

In aquatic facilities, interior is crucial for evoking harmony and tranquility within the watery space. Natural colors of the surrounding interior, harmonizing with the deep blue of the water, create a sense of continuity between the aquatic and terrestrial realms. The manipulation of lighting serves as a pivotal element, enhancing the feeling of relaxation. For instance, gentle reflections on the walls bouncing off the water can guide guests into a state of meditation and serenity.

The authors say: “[…] The idea of the project was to create a complex offering recreational and leisure services, which are often found in swimming pool facilities or spas, and to connect them with the surrounding environment of the facility. Nature is meant to ‘intrude’ inside, and the array of solutions such as skylights in the roof or a glazed wall are intended to enhance this effect even more.”

Authors of project: Viktoria Savlyak, Artem Potapenko, Ukraine

The interiors of flower shops play a role in creating mood and a visual experience. Natural light and muted colors allow the flowers to become the main focal points. Introducing natural elements such as stone enhances the sense of authenticity and reflects nature. The subdued arrangement of floral compositions enables customers to interact with the products while bringing out their beauty.

The authors say: “The visual concept is based on a combination of natural textures with geometric shapes, bright accents and monochrome interior. The minimalist style was chosen for the project, which is characterized by simplicity of forms and environmental functionality. The absence of any decorative elements sharpens the expressiveness of colours without distracting customers’ attention.[…]”

Author of project: Agata Legawiec, Poland

The interiors of medical offices, such as gynecological ones, focus on providing a comfortable and discreet environment for patients. Neutral colors and warm lighting create an atmosphere that helps reduce tension and stress. The use of sensory-friendly materials can enhance the sense of security. Ergonomic furniture arrangements and spatial will enhance the comfort for both patients and medical staff.

The author says: “A visit to the doctor can be stressful, so the designer’s task is to create a soothing and ethereal interior. The office was designed with women in mind, aiming to provide a sense of comfort, safety, and therapeutic impact – supporting the healing process. The color palette references intimacy and the body.

The pervasive pink, subdued shades of beige, white, and natural materials, combined with soft forms of furniture, dictate the aesthetics of this interior from start to finish. The relaxing “smoked salmon” colored ceiling envelops and grounds the space, providing a sense of security. Natural light entering the interior in combination with Onice Rosa on the central wall of the waiting room creates a subtle, soft play of light, generating a pleasant atmosphere.”

Commercial interiors blend function and style, creating spaces where business meets aesthetics. Regardless of the industry or purpose, commercial interior has become a crucial tool in crafting experiences and emotions.

It’s a space where pleasure and efficiency come together in unique compositions, influencing our senses and perception of the world around us.

We invite you to participate in the next edition of the Tubądzin Design Awards competition or to send us your completed projects.

Perhaps it will be your interior that we describe and that will inspire others.

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